Monday, May 4, 2020

Work Health And Safety Management of an Organisation-Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Work Health And Safety Management System? Answer: Duty holders and define WHS responsibilities The duty holders of who are involved in Sydney City Council are supervisors, senior managers, workers, etc. The senior managers must demonstrate a very visible and activity regarding leadership an in work safety and health within their responsibility areas (Bahn, 2013).The workers who are in charge of supervising others within their area of responsibility need to identify the hazards and work safety and health risks from various activities under their supervision(Chan-Mok, Caponecchia Winder, 2014).The workers must take reasonable care regarding their own safety and health and abide with the instructions in association to safety and health at work. Financial and human resources required by the WHS management system The human resources that are required by the WHS management system at Sydney City Council include any individual who can take reasonable care of their as well as the health and safety of others. These individuals should be able to comply with the instructions regarding work safety and health and should be able to report regarding work related hazards, incidents and injuries promptly (Engelbrecht et al., 2015). The financial resources those are essential for the implementation. These are to be decided by making effective planning of inventory of each item that is to be used in the WHS system of Sydney City Council. Effective and compliant participation arrangements for managing WHS in a work area To set up and maintain participation arrangements In order to work with the workers and their representatives in accordance to the legislation of WHS, effective planning regarding identification of hazards is needed to be done by Sydney City Council. The assessment of risk and hazards along with devising the control of risks and hazards is also to be conducted during the set up (Faithfull-Byrne et al., 2017). Legal and other requirements are needed to be focused on while devising the assessments and controls of the risks and hazards. The safety and health objectives along with the target of Sydney City Council are also to be kept in mind while structuring the risk and hazard assessments. issues raised through participation and consultation arrangements Resolution and consultation regarding issues between the workplace and the employees is a very crucial part of the effectively structured and managed safety and health in the environment of workplace. The authorities of the Sydney City Council needs to consult with the employees so that the workers may happen to contribute to the workplace decisions regarding the execution of the systems and practices associated with safety in terms of designing and ensuring safety, welfare and health of employees. The involvement of employees at every levels of Sydney City Council is very important in order to ensure a safe workplace (Ward Wasson, 2016). The authorities in the workplace needs to ensure that there is an effective sharing of important information regarding safety, welfare and health with the employees and other individuals working Sydney City Council such that the individuals are provided with the scope and opportunity for expressing their opinions in a regular pattern to the resolut ion of issues associated with welfare, health and safety in the workplace. Moreover, the views and opinions of the individuals working in the workplace are considered and valued (Faithfull-Byrne et al., 2017). Information about the outcomes of participation and consultation to workers Fellow workers play an important role in the demonstration of practices associated with safe work which would help in the assistance of the new worker at Sydney City Council. It is important for encouraging the workers and provides consultation to them by motivating them to ask questions and raise views regarding any kind of issues regarding the health and safety in the workplace (Ward Wasson, 2016). Every worker needs to be informed regarding any kind of emergency procedures for the work environment and what are needed to be done if any kind of injury occurs which also includes reporting the requirements. This way the workers will be ensured regarding the convenience of access and understanding of the policies. Procedures for effectively identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks in a work area The first step of the procedures regarding maintenance and resolution of effective identification of hazards and controlling risks in the workplace include planning process. Planning is essential for developing and establishment of a system that can assist in maintaining the safety system along with the improvement of the system on a continuous basis (Faithfull-Byrne et al., 2017). The initial planning of Sydney City Council must include the objectives, actions and strategies regarding the activities that are to be used for achieving the objectives associated with safety and health in workplace. The design, implementation of the plan would include the resource allocation and integration of purchasing and maintenance of the equipment of the infrastructure and equipment necessary for combating the hazards. Procedures for ongoing hazard identification, The procedures for prevalent identification of hazard, assessment and risk control at Sydney City Council would include the steps of identification of risks, assessment and implementation of the risk along with monitoring and reviewing of the procedures. Investigation of all the incidents and accidents for recognizing the probability of reoccurrence is a must (Engelbrecht et al., 2015). Identification of the factors that are associated with the risk and reviewing of the health and safety information from sources that are relevant has to be conducted. The hierarchy of control needs to be implemented for elimination of risk. Hazard identification at the planning, design and evaluation stages Identification of the factors that have the possibility to contribute to the hazard and risk is a must for every workplace (Chan-Mok, Caponecchia Winder, 2014). The review of the information associated with the health and safety of the workplace from asignificant and authoritative source has to be conducted. Evaluation of the possibility of the reoccurrence of the incident and the probableseverity also needs to be done. Procedures for selecting and implementing risk controls The implementation of the risk control can be well defined by the use of hierarchy of control. In the cases where there is a risk assessment, the significance of measures associated with risk controls, such procedures needs to be taken in accordance with the relevant individuals (Bahn, 2013). The first step includes the elimination of the risk or hazard physically. Then replacement of the hazard is done. The isolation of the people in the workplace from the risk or hazard is done. Changing the manner in which people work is necessary .Finally, protection must be provided to the workers by giving them personal protective equipment. Inadequacies in existing risk controls The inadequate supply of human resource, training to the staff, irregular supervision, adequate funds for purchasing the protective gear, and other equipment, allocation of time for training and supervision, effective management and support are the insufficiencies. The workplaces need to engage a direct supervisor only for health and safety management in the workplace. Effective management system must be integrated. AWHS representative of Sydney City Council must be engaged (Faithfull-Byrne et al., 2017). Requirements for expert WHS advice, and request this advice as required The Sydney City Councils workplaces need to have experts for providing WHS advices so that effective assistance can be obtained for the resolution, management, and implementation and monitoring of the WHS policies(Chan-Mok, Caponecchia Winder, 2014).Consultation and feedback regarding the safest and health in the workplace can be ensured and provided to all the individuals. Evaluate and maintain a work area WHS management system WHS induction and training program for all workers The Sydney City Council workplace needs to have induction and training program regarding WHS for making its employees aware about the health and safety factors while working in the organization. Formal training sessions need to be conducted by engaging external Radiation Experts. Special training needs to be provided for additional safety and health roles such as First Aid Officers, Safety Support Officers and Emergency Wardens. An annual program regarding training courses must be designed regarding health and safety in the workplace (Faithfull-Byrne et al., 2017).Consultation session, communication programs, reporting, documentation, data control aspects and management of operational risk needs to be included in the induction and programs for training. To allow identification of patterns of occupational injury and disease in the organization, The pattern of risk assessment through a ranking system can be used to analyze the level of risk for different aspects involved in the workplace. It would present increased levels of controls for higher risks. The system for WHS record would include a scale and rating system which would have negligible, minor, moderate, major, substantial as the remarks to evaluate the consequence of the hazards and risks. This way the extent and severity of the harm caused by the risks and hazards can be identified. Measurement and evaluation of the WHSMS Having effective and strong hazard identification and risk control polices with regards to WHS norms would rate any workplace to be very efficient and competitive (Engelbrecht et al., 2015). The quality of the service that the workplace would be providing to its customers would be very much reflected through the way it ensures the health and safety of its own employees. Implementation of improvements to the WHSMS Many aspects can be suggested for improving WHSMS the organizations WHS objective. The representative for health and safety department should be engaged for effective regulation of the WHS polices. The organizations needs to devise and use interpreters, translated information, literacy or multilingual signs training regarding the health and safety policies for individuals who are unable to understand the language in which business is conducted in the workplace(Ward Wasson, 2016).All the procedures and strategies regarding WHS policies should be oriented to the objectives of the workplace. Compliance with the WHS legislative framework to achieve, as a minimum The organizations need to have compliance with the legislative frameworks which include the new work health and safety legislation such as the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Codes of Practice and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 for having effective and ensured implementation of health and safety polices. References Bahn, S., 2013. Workplace hazard identification and management: The case of an underground mining operation. Safety science, 57, pp.129-137. Chan-Mok, J.O., Caponecchia, C. and Winder, C., 2014. The concept of workplace bullying: Implications from Australian workplace health and safety law. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 21(3), pp.442-456. Engelbrecht, M., van Rensburg, A., Rau, A., Yassi, A., Spiegel, J., O'Hara, L., Bryce, E. and Nophale, L., 2015. Tuberculosis and blood-borne infectious diseases: workplace conditions and practices of healthcare workers at three public hospitals in the Free State. Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases, 30(1), pp.23-28. Faithfull-Byrne, A., Thompson, L., Schafer, K.W., Elks, M., Jaspers, J., Welch, A., Williamson, M., Cross, W. and Moss, C., 2017. Clinical coaches in nursing and midwifery practice: Facilitating point of care workplace learning and development. Collegian, 24(4), pp.403-410. Ward, S. and Wasson, G., 2016.Bridging the gap: improving safe prescribing from university to workplace.International journal of clinical pharmacy, 38(5), pp.1023-1026

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