Monday, March 30, 2020

Science Investigatory Project Essay Example

Science Investigatory Project Paper Healthy babies should sleep on their back. One of the most important things you can do to help reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is to put your healthy baby on his or her back to sleep. Do this when your baby is being put down for a nap or to bed for the night Schedule for Feeding You should feed your baby whenever he or she is hungry. Most babies eat every two to four hours. Do not wait longer than five hours between feedings. Care of the Circumcision If your baby is circumcised, his penis may be swollen for about a week. Initially, the tip of the penis will be very red. Over the course of a few days it will slowly change to a more pink, fleshed-colored appearance as it heals. He may have a LITTLE bleeding. This should stop in 24 hours. If you notice more than a little blood, please call your pediatrician. There may also be a yellow-white discharge on his penis on the second day after the circumcision. This is normal and will go away as your baby heals. A little Vaseline applied directly to the area will keep the crust soft and keep the diaper from sticking. We will write a custom essay sample on Science Investigatory Project specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Science Investigatory Project specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Science Investigatory Project specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer With each diaper change, place a quarter size amount of Vaseline on a piece of clean gauze and place it on the tip of the penis. By the sixth day or so the skin is healed, the yellow crusting disappears, and the penis appears pink and normal. Warm water and soap applied to a soft cloth are all that is necessary for bathing. Wash the penis and scrotum gently. This will not harm the circumcision and is necessary for good hygiene. His penis may be sore for a few days, so put his diaper and clothes on loosely When to Call Your Baby’s Doctor. Has a sharp, high cry for no reason or is unusually fussy. Feels hot or has a dry mouth. Doesn’t eat in his/her usually way. Breathes in a different way (slower, faster, and noisier). Acts like she has a cold. Fever, especially when accompanied by signs of illness. Vomiting (not just spitting up) especially if it is green or projectile. Refusal of food several times in a row. Excessive crying. Listlessness. Loose, runny stools if there is mucus, blood, or a foul odor. Unusual rash. Discharge instructions for postpartum mother Cramping: It is normal to have cramping after you deliver. The cramping can be quite intense for the first 48 to 72 hours. When a woman delivers her second or third baby, cramping can be even more intense than with the first baby. Cramping can usually be relieved with Ibuprofen, Tylenol or any pain medicine your doctor prescribes. These medications are safe for nursing. Emotional Changes: The post-partum period is a time of tremendous change both physically and emotionally. Hormone levels change dramatically after delivery, and for that reason many women become emotional. These effects can be heightened up to two weeks after delivery and then gradually taper off. If you or any family members notice that you cry consistently, you cannot take care of yourself or your baby, or you wish to harm yourself or anyone else, you should contact your physician immediately. Activity: For the first week that you are at home it is best if you minimize your activity until you are more comfortable with your babys schedule. After the first week, you may begin driving, doing light housework, shopping, or taking easy walks. As time progresses, you can increase walking to exercising lightly. Again, it is important to rest often during the first six weeks. Sleep when your baby sleeps, and allow your family or partner to help you with daily tasks. Episiotomy Care If you received an episiotomy or had to have your bottom stitched, these stitches will dissolve and need not be removed. We recommend that you soak your bottom twice daily in the bath tub with whatever temperature is most comfortable for you. We do not recommend bubble baths during this time, as the soap can irritate your bottom. Some women prefer to use Epsom salt in the water. This is perfectly fine to use, but we do not recommend using Epsom salt that is scented. The hospital will give you a squirt bottle (called a peri spray bottle) that you can fill with water to clean your bottom every time you use the toilet. It is important that you use this every time you use the toilet, as this will help your bottom feel better sooner and help facilitate the healing process.

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