Monday, September 30, 2019

Family Systems Theory

Family Systems Theory: Family Cohesion When growing up families are and have been considered systems because they are made up of interrelated elements or objectives. Families are examples to show that they have regular behaviors, they have regular interactions, and they are interdependent on one another. It is believed the family can be defined as a set of interacting individuals who are related by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption.Although they are numerous in number some functions of the family include values and practices placed on theories that are used to explain patterns of living among the individuals who make up the family systems. In system theory, behaviors and family members responses influence the regulation of the family pattern and the family life pattern. Meanings and values are vital components of the family system and provide motivation and energy. Every family has a unique culture, value, structure, and history. We can choose our friends and sometimes even the people we choose to work with, but we cannot in any way choose who our family members are.We are stuck with them for better or for worse and we are bound together forever; fortunately or unfortunately. As individuals, we are each are unique in more ways than can we can even begin to list Because of this, family members don’t always get along and disagreements can be expected. Family cohesion is important. Families who have healthy levels of cohesion emotionally interact with one another and find the unspoken balance that supports us when we want our very own individual independence and in the same hand we can continue to maintain our family togetherness.Healthy family cohesion is not only strength, but a resource for families that will assist them in facing the daily challenges of family life. This system helps with assisting in maintaining a healthy marriage, and in providing a nurturing environment for all the children if present within the family. Family members from c ohesive family environments feel included and emotionally connected with the family. Low  family cohesion  indicates a  weak  emotional bond among family members. It is important to do all things possible to maintain a high family cohesion; this will keep the family system strong.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Banjamin Banneker Analysis

Benjamin Banneker Analysis At the turn of the 18th century, forces secreted by British colonization imposed an evident state of corruption in the United States, leaving an indelible scar upon our nation. Thomas Jefferson, who proclaimed his advocacy toward equality, seemed to stray from the intent of abolishing inequality between man. Benjamin Banneker, who validates his intellect through his evident knowledge of Jefferson’s motives, dedicates a letter in regards to questioning Thomas Jefferson’s role as Secretary of State, in a dire attempt to uphold justice in the name of his father, who suffered a life as a slave.As the letter unfolds, the author implements a critical use of rhetorical strategies that inflict a sensation of guilt upon Jefferson, portraying him as an immoral man, due to his lack of attention to civil rights. As Banneker’s letter unfolds, his selection of detail allows him to remind Jefferson of his prior imprisonment by cleverly referring to th e British Colonization of America, as â€Å"tyranny of the British Crown† (Line 2), emphasizing their imperialistic ideals.In paragraph 2, the author’s intellect of Jefferson’s proclaimed motives is evidently demonstrated as he cites his infamous passage from the Declaration of Independence, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. † (Lines 21-25) By deliberately addressing Jefferson’s own beliefs, Banneker is able to successfully inflict guilt upon Jefferson, forcing him to realize his personal immorality.As evidenced by the essay, Banneker repeatedly utilizes the term â€Å"sir† in each paragraph when addressing Jefferson. Banneker’s intention revolves around establishing a distinct sensation of ethical appeal, and accurately demonstrates Banneker’s res pect for Jefferson, despite his inner resentment. By referring to Thomas Jefferson as â€Å"sir†, Banneker decreases the harshness of his delivery, thus preventing Jefferson from deeming his proposal as immature, and actually acknowledging his claim.His strategy not only portrays him as a respectful man, but allows for smooth communication. Emotional appeal, a primary strategy instilled throughout Banneker’s notation, is first utilized in paragraph 1, in an attempt to exert guilt and eerie memories from Jefferson’s past. The author finalizes paragraph 1 by implying Thomas Jefferson’s ungratefulness to his liberation from England by stating that Thomas Jefferson is lucky to have been set free, as opposed to the circumstance several Americans are dealt.In paragraph 3, the use of Pathos is depicted when he accuses Jefferson of being merciless toward slaves, despite his downfall in his previous years. He not only blames Jefferson for the detainment of these v ulnerable and innocent slaves, but also points out his ideals and deems him as â€Å"pitiable†. (Line 30) In a fierce attempt to validate his claim concerning Jefferson’s act of fraud, Banneker uses a unique form of paradox, represented in the third paragraph of his letter.Although Thomas Jefferson was generally portrayed as a sane man, the author utilizes loaded words in order to properly depict Jefferson’s form of hypocrisy. Likewise, he initiates his argument by reciting the basic morals that Jefferson lives to defend, such as equality and advocacy against impartial distribution of rights. Moreover, the recognition is reverted, placing the blame on the issue of slavery toward the Secretary of State. The author demonstrates a steadfast tenacity toward proving Jefferson immoral, and accuses him of being a criminal. †¦that you should at the same time counteract his mercies in detaining by fraud and violence†¦my brethren under groaning captivity†¦y ou should at the same time be found guilty of that most criminal act†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lines 36-39) Jefferson’s reaction is expected to be in awe and particularly remorseful, as Banneker successfully proves Jefferson of being unlawful. Benjamin Banneker, a prodigy in astronomy, mathematics, surveys, and above all – rhetoric, instills his resentment toward Thomas Jefferson’s ignorance to the enslaved African American population.Maintaining the sole purpose of bringing justice to his father and prisoner’s pasts, Banneker utilizes strategic rhetorical strategies that are ultimately notes in order to spark action in the nation’s dwindling society. His letter is utilized not only to represent Banneker’s true opinion of Jefferson, but deliberately writes a respectful letter to Jefferson in the hopes of allowing Jefferson to acknowledge his faults. The author successfully delivers his proposal, instilling hope in our nation that change is, in fact, a possibility.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Do government surveillance and data mining operations do more good in Essay

Do government surveillance and data mining operations do more good in protecting against terrorism than they do harm in violating privacy - Essay Example Though sanctioned by the Bush administration, the constitutionality of these acts are being questioned. Another issue is whether wiretapping and data mining are acceptable ways of investigating terrorist threats. The President addressed the controversy in a radio address from the Roosevelt Room by saying that he has the authority to approve wiretapping and surveillance programs and that such activities are being done to protect the Americans' civil liberties. He also claimed that it is a necessary means to prevent terrorist attacks from happening. Bush also condemned the actions of press and media outfits who have exposed the supposedly top-secret program. However, many legal analysts find Bush's arguments unconvincing. The Jurist columnist William Banks in his article, "NSA Eavesdropping and the Fourth Amendment" argues that NSA's domestic surveillance program impinges on the people's rights, especially that of the Fourth amendment, which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. His conjecture is that individuals have reasonable expectation of their privacy, so they are therefore entitled to it. Banks believes that warrantless surveillance is not only unconstitutional, it lays a groundwork for abuse. James X.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Operating System and Networking Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Operating System and Networking - Coursework Example the primary factor that can be examined is the Wide Area Network. Likewise, if the college is communicating with the remote offices concludes that a proper Wide Area Network connectivity is present. However, there are many WAN technologies that can be deployed to cover all the specified requirements. Moreover, cloud computing has also gained a high value and is well recognized in academic institutions in the UK, as researchers share information on a collaborative platform. For instance, University of Portsmouth has already initiated a commercial use of off the shelf cloud service from globally recognized organizations such as Google and Microsoft (Cloud guarantees bright outlook 2012). Equally, cloud computing saves significant cost and the complex Information Technology acquisition procedures and processes (Cloud guarantees bright outlook 2012). The University is synchronized with the other three remote campuses and 5 other campuses that are located outside the city. Likewise, a rob ust WAN infrastructure is required to fulfill these long distance connectivity and data transfer requirements. As mentioned earlier, the different WAN technologies that can be implemented in this scenario are: Point to Point Connectivity Circuit Switching Packet Switching WAN Virtual Circuits WAN Dial up Services We cannot deploy point to point connectivity, as it provides a dedicated link from the customer premises to the carrier network. As the University is connected to multiple locations, several point to point links are required, resulting in a costly solution. Secondly, circuit switching also resembles with the point to point connectivity technology and it is comparatively slower. One example of this technology is Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN). Thirdly, WAN dial up services are also associated with slow and outdated technology. Moreover, virtual circuits will not be efficient in a crisis situation, as it cannot handle a lot of traffic and if the device stops work ing, the whole connection is lost. Finally, WAN virtual circuits and Packet switching technology will be considered in this scenario. Packet switching WAN technology shares a single point to point connectivity within network devices to exchange data from source to destination via a carrier network. Moreover, statistical multiplexing techniques are implemented to activate packet switching in network devices. Some of the examples of this technology are Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay etc. Advantages after deploying packet switching technology within the University are demonstrated below: As the data packet breaks into small data chunks, bandwidth capacity utilization is optimal Confidentiality, Integrity and Availibility is addressed, as the confidential data needs adequate security Compatible with devices supporting different transfer rates, as end users or network devices configured at different remote campuses may support different transfer rates. In case of a link fa ilure, signals are re routed by using a different path ensuring high network availability. In case of a declared disaster or a failure of a telephone exchange, end users can still send emails for service interruption notifications and vice versa. Above mentioned advantages concludes that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hegemony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hegemony - Essay Example According to the theory of hegemonic stability, â€Å"hegemonic structures of power, dominated by a single country, are most conducive towards the development of strong international regimes† so that the norms and rules of a liberal economic order that is characterized by free market principles of openness and non discrimination.1 Kindleberger states that â€Å"For the world economy to be stabilized, there has to be a stabilizer, one stabilizer.†2 As a result, hegemony is that state of international affairs where a single State assumes predominance and utilizes that predominance in order to manage world affairs and it is the hegemon that sets out to manage the world economy by setting out the rules which establish some order and predictability in international trade and finance. The hegemonic power has both the ability and the willingness to establish as well as to maintain the rules that exist in the international economic order. However, as Gilpin points out, it is not strictly necessary for a hegemonic power to exist in order for an international economy to survive and function; rather it is a liberal economic order that is based upon free market principles and non discrimination which would be unable to flourish and reach its full potential without the presence of a hegemonic power.3 The structure of the domestic economy of the hegemon as well as other countries must be geared such that there is a commitment to the market economy without which, it could lead to the emergence of imperial systems wherein the dominant power imposes political and economic restrictions on the lesser powers. There must also be a â€Å"congruence of social purpose† existing among the major economic powers; hence there are three important pre-requisites that must exist for the liberal system to expand and flourish – hegemony, liberal ideology and common interests4.(Gilpin, 1981, ch 3). The hegemonic system will also support the existence of other powerful

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Contingency response plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contingency response plan - Essay Example He shall likewise be responsible for the onsite coordination of external agents like the local authorities and other emergency personnel. The Medical Officer shall conduct a triage of the victims with triage cards in preparation for the arrival of rescue teams. He shall ensure that the medical response team is well appraise of the situation and is prepared to handle the situation. The Security Officer shall survey and conduct a quick investigation if other explosive devices are still present or could be present within the ship or if there is an imminent danger to rescuers or first responders to be in danger too because of secondary explosions. The Local Authorities (Police/Coast Guard) shall be the final authority that will decide if there are still residual danger, or threat. Imminent or otherwise. They shall provide recommendations on how best to proceed. They or their agents shall be the incident manager with the Captain of the shil and his men following their lead and instructions. 1. At the instant that the Captain is aware of the situation he shall immediately station himself on the deck or at the center of communication of the ship. To coordinate all actions and implementations of all emergency protocol. 3. The Captain shall contact, inform and coordinate with the ships’s owner about the incident and relay all available information about the situation as they come to his attention. He should also give his recommendation with regards to information dissemination to other stakeholders 4. The Captain shall also order the Medical station to standby and prepare for the injured and to activate the Emergency Response Team with focus to smoke inhalation and blast injuries and other information that will protect the responders iii. The Security Officer shall survey and conduct a quick investigation if other explosive devices are still present

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Food Safety; Pests and Vectors; Air Quality Essay

Food Safety; Pests and Vectors; Air Quality - Essay Example Among the two approaches stated above; training the restaurant employees seems more practicable and productive. This approach has also been applied at Philadelphia in 2009; Don Sapatkin (2009) explains that they adapted a risk-based approach in which emphasis was given to food worker’s knowledge and behavior. It is very important for them to comprehend as to how contamination is spread and how to prevent it. Frequent inspections by restaurant inspectors also play a crucial role in maintaining a good and healthy standard of food service. Personal hygiene of the workers in the restaurants is mandatory. It is noticed that restaurant owners serve much time on the cleanliness of the kitchens and tables etc. but don’t pay attention if the cooks and workers are washing their hands at regular intervals. The workers should be trained and made aware of the food-borne illnesses they are likely to transmit through their food if they are not hygiene cautious. US Food and Drug Administration (2009) states that there is another very important factor regarding food safety; which is the knowledge of temperatures for cooking specific ingredients .e.g. each portion of cooked chicken must reach a minimal internal temperature of 165F for 15 seconds. They should also be aware as to which food is more prone to develop bacteria and at what temperature they should be cooked to remove them. Workers should be urged to wear head gears whenever they are in contact with food to promote a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach. Another thing that should be monitored is that the temperatures of refrigerators are maintained at a suitable temperature. It is often noticed by inspectors that the air temperature of walk-in refrigerators are kept warm. Question 2: Describe the recommendations you would give the public to prevent further spread of West Nile Virus by mosquitoes. Describe the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Do genes cause anti social behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Do genes cause anti social behavior - Essay Example Ant- social behavior in a person is connected to his personal traits like impulsivity, sensation seeking risk – taking attitude hence it is genetic. ( Thesis) Anti – social behavior is often studied with many theories and one among them is biological theory. In this theory the biological make up of a person influences them to deviate from social norms. We can see that all children are not aggressive or violent in young age. Some children at tender age are more aggressive and violent than others. Such children end up in fights and quarrels even with little provocation. This means their biological make up is more responsive to situations and circumstances. This theory suggest that the physical body, inherited genes, brain structure, hormones has a role to play in anti – social behavior. As per ( Cohen)â€Å" Growing understanding of body mechanism suggest that certain biological factors like particular genes, neurological deficits ,low serotonin activity can affect a person’s biological propensity for crime or anti- social behavior† The basic behavior of a person is connected to the biological constitution of a person. Not all people and impulsive and eccentric in nature. Some people never respond to situation in a violent manner and they would ignore many provocative situations by being sober and calm. However, a person who has a trait of impulsiveness and aggression can become a criminal or an anti – social element more easily than others. Some people are more aggressive by birth and might have inherited from their family lineage The criminologist has found a link between the anatomy of a person and their propensity to commit crime. It is understood that height, weight and appearance of a person has correlation with a person’s tendency to commit crime. As per ( The Ministry of Justice) â€Å"Looking at records from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, they have found evidence that shorter men

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Technical Writing Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Technical Writing Assignments - Essay Example It begins by outlining the relationship between microwaves and other forms of wave-radiation, such as light and radio, in order to help the reader understand what a microwave is. It then goes on to discuss some of the special properties of microwave radiation versus other kinds of radiation, such as the fact that microwaves travel in straight lines and can impart energy into water particles. Finally, it moves on to discuss exactly how those properties have been turned in to practical applications: because microwaves can go in straight lines, they can bounce off of objects, and use the reflection to determine distance: this is radar. Typically, radars had to rotate, but according to the article, some new radars are structured more like a fly’s eye, pointing at all directions simultaneously. Microwaves also have the property of being able to excite water molecules through other substances, meaning that they can be used to cook food. The article also details the timeline of these discoveries, so that its reader is able to gain a better understanding of the process through which microwaves have been developed throughout time. Fundraising Proposal This proposal will discuss fundraising for public schools. It’s primary audience will be school administrators, with its secondary audience being outside groups including businesses, that could create reciprocal fundraising relationships with schools. Fundraising is a difficult task for a public school. Parents feel that they have already paid their fair share (if not more) through taxes, and are often cash-strapped in a way that makes it difficult for them to put more money towards their children’s education. Furthermore, they will often be donating to projects that will never see fruition in their children’s educational experience. While some things, such as buying new instruments for a music class, can be done relatively quickly, most of the needs that will be addressed by fundraising, such a s redevelopment, renovation, adding new buildings and so forth can only happen after a great deal of fundraising has already occurred, bureaucratic processes have moved forward, and the investment is actually converted into a practical benefit to children. With children being in a school at most six years (for primary students) it is incredibly unlikely that any parental donation. Sure, some families may have several children attend the school, but this is unlikely. For all of these reasons, parents, though often tapped for fundraising efforts in schools, are actually not particularly beneficial. Schools would do better to build fundraising relationships with outside organizations rather than parents: these relationships can be longer lasting, and often involve larger sums that parents would have access to. Furthermore, any relationship should be mutually beneficial, and this is more possible with outside groups than it would be with parents. These forms of fundraising relationships must be reciprocal: this does not mean quid pro quo, where the school does something of equal value specifically for a particular amount of donation – this is fundraising, not anything else. However, it should be beneficial to both parties. These fundraising relationships will obviously be beneficial to the school, which gets money for much needed upgrades, equipment, building projects and so on. But the question remains, how should this relationship be beneficial to

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chimney Sweeper Essay Example for Free

Chimney Sweeper Essay A great writer, or poet, will make their readers feel as if they are a part of their story. The reader will feel happy when the character is happy, or sad when the character is sad. This is achieved by various rhetorical strategies that writers use. Some of these strategies include imagery and word diction. Sometimes it is one sentence that really gets to the reader. Other times it is simply one word that can make the reader feel anything from warm to sad. In William Blake’s poem, â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper,† from Songs of Innocence, there is an important transition in which the reader’s sense of emotions change from negative feelings of darkness, death, and misery to positive emotions of happiness, hope, and salvation. This transition in emotions reflects the child’s innocence and oblivion to his victimization whereas in the same poem from Songs of Experience the child is aware that he is the victim and therefore only reveals feelings of bitterness and sarcasm. This contrast is important to my understanding of the Innocence poem because it reveals a softer and more innocent perspective than the poem of Experience does. In the first half of the poem Blake uses word diction that gives off negative connotations in order to illustrate the horrible conditions the young chimneysweepers live in. The chimneysweeper says, â€Å"And my father sold me while yet my tongue/Could scarcely cry weep! weep! weep! weep! ’ (2-3). Not only does the word â€Å"weep† clearly give off a sense of sadness and depression, but the fact that it is repeated four times puts an emphasis on the sadness that the chimneysweeper feels. The quote implies that the father sold his child at a very young age. As a result, the child was still too young to weep and therefore could not refuse to be sold. Another quote says, â€Å"So your chimneys I sweep in soot I sleep† (4). When one hears the word â€Å"sweep†, they are imagining dirt and filth being lifted off the ground. Moreover, the phrase â€Å"in soot I sleep†, if one imagines it in a literal sense, shows that the child is literally sleeping in soot, which is the black debris that the smoke from the chimney creates. As a result, this quote illustrates a dirty and filthy setting that these chimneysweepers are forced to live in. A phrase that, without a doubt, gives off a sense of death and hell is â€Å"coffins of black† (12). The chimneysweeper uses this phrase to describe where the other chimneysweepers are locked in Tom’s dream, which is still filthy and almost suffocating. While these quotes and phrases observe and reveal the terrible conditions that these children are living in, the chimneysweeper in the Experience poem reasons why he is living in those conditions by blaming his parents. This comparison makes evident the different perspectives from each poem. Hints of hope are first revealed in the Innocence poem where Blake uses the child’s sarcasm to show that in moments of darkness and unhappiness there is still space for optimism so as not to suffer so much. This is revealed when the chimneysweeper reassures Tom to â€Å"never mind it, for when your head’s bare/You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair† (7-8). In a way this would make Tom feel hopeful because with a bare head, the soot cannot ruin his hair. But in a metaphorical sense, it implies that darkness (the soot) will not prevail over everything, which gives one hope. What follows this sense of hope is Tom’s description of his dream: And by came an Angel who had a bright key/And he open’d the coffins set them all free/Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run/And wash in a river, and shine in the Sun/Then naked and white, all their bags left behind/They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind. (13-18) This stanza contains numerous amounts of words and phrases that all give a positive connotation of hope, freedom, warmth, and happiness. Words such as â€Å"Angel†, â€Å"bright key†, â€Å"laughing†, â€Å"Sun†, and â€Å"white† give off a feeling that is too good to be true, which explains why it is a dream in the first place. But that hope and happiness is so strong that when Tom awakes, he continues his work happily. This utopian perspective clearly shows the innocence of these children, while the child in the poem of Experience has no sense of hope because he is aware of the reality he is living in. While the children in the Innocence poem use religious words and phrases to give them something to look forward to, the child in the Experience poem condemns religion. Blake shows how religion is used to almost condone the treatment and conditions of these chimneysweepers when he writes, â€Å"And the Angel told Tom, if he’d be a good boy/He’d have God for his father and never want joy† (19-20). This quote implies that obedience and sticking to your duties will bring happiness in the afterlife. The same thing is implied when the chimneysweeper says, â€Å"So if all do their duty they need not fear harm† (24). In other words, as long as these chimneysweepers continue with their gruesome work while refraining from complaints, they will be happy and will be rewarded in the afterlife for their good behavior. This mentality seems to convince the children that it is acceptable live in these horrible conditions because they will be rewarded once they pass. In contrast, the child in the Experience poem does not see the afterlife or God as something or someone to look forward to because he blames God for the position he is in. He mocks God by saying, â€Å"And are gone to praise God and his Priest and King/Who make up a heaven of our misery† (11-12). The child’s parents are praying in the church and believe that they have not caused their child any injury. In this case, it is the parents that are condoning the brutal life of their child. This major difference between the two poems is important because it reveals how differently each child views the situation they are in as chimneysweepers. Blake’s use of word diction and imagery in the poem of Innocence and in the poem of Experience differentiates the two opposing perspectives of each poem. Because the Innocence poem transitions from darkness and hopelessness to freedom and hopefulness, my understanding of this poem is extremely different from the other. It is clear that the chimneysweeper in the Experience poem is aware that he is the victim; therefore, his feelings of sadness and despair block him from seeing any hope. Instead, he blames God and his parents for the life he lives. In contrast, I am given the sense that the chimneysweeper in the Innocence poem is completely oblivious to the fact that he is a victim, and therefore it is easier for him to see the light in the darkest moments; in this sense he is still innocent of any hard feelings towards his father or God.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Process of Human Resource Planning

Process of Human Resource Planning Executive Summary Human Resource Planning is the process of determining future employee needs and deciding steps or strategies to achieve those needs for the purpose of accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. It is a Human Resource Management function that focuses on providing the organization with an adequate manpower. Main objective of Human Resource Planning is to ensure that the business having the right people at the right place at the right time doing the right work. Human Resource Planning enable the management of the company to determine future employee needs, to utilize human resource more efficiently and effectively, to control employment cost, to develop high talent employees and to formulate and successfully implement strategies. HRP or the work-force planning is a one of the most impactful aspects of the todays business. Human Resource Planning is an on-going process rather than a process limited to one stand-pint and then implemented. It in the broadest sense included both the strategic and operational human resources of the organization. It is a strategically driven HRM function that leads the company to acquire competitive advantages. Human resource gain competitive advantages by gaining cost economics, by operating productively, efficiently and effectively and by changing operations and acquiring new enterprises. This report begins with discussing the matter of Human Resource Planning applying to a selected organisation. It will be discussed the considerations regarding the employment and the employees such as the legal and organizational framework, organizational environment, grievance, discipline and dismissal processes. Question O1: Understand how the HR plan supports the strategic objectives 1.1 Assessing the strategic importance of current, future and anticipated HR requirements The human resource is the most important resource a business has. Very often whether the corporate sets the future plans for other functions and for the other resources it is neglected to predict the future of the work-force. Further sometimes the enterprise identifies the importance of the quantitative factor of the resource but ignore the qualitative factors. Sometimes the organizations are very critical with human resource factor and the development of skills and new talents are very significant for such companies. If the manager of these companies fail to identify what skills the company needs, how much of them need, and fail to secure the appropriate supply then the capacity of the organization to fulfill the business requirements will be rare. Therefore it is crucial to every business to have a HR plan to meet and future workforce requirements in the both ways of quantity and quality. When planning the human resource several aspects are to be looked at and several questions have to be answered. These aspects and the questions themselves emphasize the strategic importance of HRP. The first one is determining the number of employees to be employed at a new place. The organization may have engaged too many staff so that there exists a surplus or underutilized workforce. If the number of employees is less that actual requirement then the organization will fail to meet the production requirements and there by fail to meet the market demand. Accordingly, it is very clear that the company will fail in front of the competition of the market. The questions that would have to be answered are, How can the output be improved? Understand the interrelation between productivity, technological changes and the existing workforce. What are the techniques can be used to set the work force requirements? Have more flexible work organization been considered? How to acquire the necessary staff? The second is how to retain your highly skilled staff. This is very important in the competitive environment. The skilled employees who contribute with distinct talents may leave the company on the grounds that the current company does not pay them satisfactorily when it so clear that such payment is very fair. Company may lose the capacity to meet the goals and will fail with the rival companies with lower human talents. Further to the losses arising from the competitive markets the company will have to incur higher costs of payments for the employees who left the company, and the costs of recruitment, induction and training of novel staff. Hence the questions will have to be answered are, How to monitor the extent of resignations? What are the reasons for turnover? What are the costs for the organization? How the turnovers of the company vary with the other companies of the industry? The third one would be how to manage a downsizing program effectively? This is critical. Managers have to cut off some of his staff painlessly while protecting long-term interests. HRP will help managers by considering; What sort of workforce envisage at the end of the exercise? How the nature and extent of wastage will change? Whether the use of retraining, redeployment and transfers would work out? What are appropriate recruitment levels? The fourth aspect we have to consider is from where you find the necessary skills and number of employees? If you do not have a clear idea you will face short-term skills and manpower shortage. The questions would have to be addressed are; Whether current career system of the organization supports the future requirements? What are the characteristics of those who currently occupy senior positions? What is the organizations future supply of talents? Then the answers to these questions can be compared with the future requirements in the number and the type. Internal structural changes and the external business environmental changes will affect the sources of future supply of skills and persons. Moreover it is important to note that the inconsistencies between culture and the strategies will severely damage the company sustainability. The organization must build up a pool of work-force who is match with the organizations culture. Hence it is important to plan the number, skills and sources from where you acquire future needs of human resource to recruit right people. HRP is highly interdependent with all aspects of the business. It is affected by the all other sections strategies and future directions. Therefore the scope and objectives of the HRP must be thoroughly understood to acquire sustainable competitive advantages. Any HR strategy must be coping with the corporate and business level strategies. HRP must be done in the companys strategic planning process so that a definition for expansion of the future needs will be strategically developed. 1.2 Analyse how HR planning impacts on the strategic plan The HR planning is develop to identification and ensure the staffs, particular job related skills and talents, training and development, retention of staff, recruitments, selection processes and etc. The strategic plan give the future needs and trend of the staff to the particular departments, required talents, recruitments, training and development needs of staff. Therefore the practice of HR functions which depends on HR planning and developments depends on the strategic plan which established by the top management of the organization. HR planning uses the inputs as information from the strategic plans. So HR planning influences the existence of mission and goals of the organizational strategic planning process. The organizational quality and level of standard about goods and services is depending on the quality work of staff of the organization. Therefore the standard of strategic decisions will reflect through the profitability and growth of the HR planning taken by the organization. Question O2: Understand the legal and organizational frameworks for the employment of staff 2.1 Evaluate the current legal requirements influencing a HR plan The government regulations, tax purposes, employee rules and regulations, social security purposes will influence the HR planning of the organization. The economic conditions like economic booms and recessions of the country will make different legal and ethical conditions in the country. Therefore the legal requirements of the organizational framework will influence the recruitment and selection of new employees. Therefore the unemployment rates, interest rates and etc will make legal requirements for the organizational HR conditions. These will affect to the HR planning for training and development of staff of the organization. 2.2 Describe a process for recruitment and selection of new staff (external candidates) that complies with current legislation and organization requirements The recruitment of the staff depends on the needs and requirements of the position of the organization. The recruited people must be able to perform current and the intended requirements of the organization. Through the advertising and recruiting agencies the recruitment information can be publish. For some jobs cannot be done by the womens. In that positions should be restrict to the mens, so the recruitment must be done according to these legislations. In the legislation the womens have time constraints of working time and hours. The selection process carried out through the people who have recruited to the organization through different resources. The interviews, CV screening, identifying skills and talents will help for better selection of new staff to the organization. The discriminations cannot be done on race, color, nationality and region when the selection process. The men and women must be paid in same amount for the same work force and etc in the organization. Question O3: Understand the effect of the organizational environment on staff 3.1 Discuss how organizational culture affects recruitment and retention of staff The recruitment process will reflect the organizational culture and the staff is fit for that culture then the staffs will exist more time in the organization. The organizational culture affected to the job analysis, job description, recruitment, selections and etc. The organizational limitations are can be also affect to the organizational culture. The employee retention will benefit to the organization as well as to the employee. Therefore the employee should have better understanding about the organization and will be able to adapt to that environment easily. Employee retention is key element to the organizational existence. On the other hand high labour turnover is a cost, leads to more turnover, loss of organizational knowledge, harm to the image and the goodwill of the organization, inefficiencies of the work in the organization. 3.2 Assess work life balance issues and the changing patterns of work practices The employee stress on the work force of the organisation highly affected to the life. The lot of overtime is done by some of the employees will lead to some absentee sums on staff sickness. So such problems will affect to the work life and home life problems and issues. To eliminate these problems the government have establish employee rules and regulations. The changing patterns of the work practice are very hard to capture by some employees of the organisation. Therefore the change agents must be able to identify the situation and the positions of the organisational workforce and change according to the clear concepts and conditions. The changes must be discussed with the employees before. The organisation should be considerable to provide the quality and slandered service to the customers. There are seasonal fluctuations of customers in the different time period of the year. Therefore the changing patterns of the work practice will need in such situations. Question O4: Understand the grievance, discipline and dismissal process 4.1 Identify the process to be followed in a grievance situation The grievance situation occurs when an employee has a problem with the employer. In such a situation the three steps are taken place, the written statement, a meeting and an appeal meeting. The written statement must be accepted by the employee the person who has the problem. Then it will pass to the human resource manager to his consideration. In the disciplinary meeting the particular employee or a work representative will participate. In this meeting discussed about the actions happened and in details about the problem and come to the agreement about the facts of the problem. And come up to a situation to an arrival of solution. If the employee is not satisfied about the problem then the employee can appeal the problem. This meeting is also same as the above meeting but the employee will represent the disagreement to the solution of the organization. 4.2 Describe the stages of a discipline issue that results in dismissal The absentee sums, poor work performance, neglecting of duty, threats, frauds, offensive behavior, harassments, inappropriate behavior, misconduct, repeat minor behavior and etc. are the main discipline issues. The written document about the unacceptable discipline and discussed about in the meeting by the representation of the particular employee or a work representative. Then after the meeting or before the deadlines the employee is allowed to appeal. If it is not agreed then the employee can appeal in the employee tribunal about the disciplinary action. Some times the disciplinary issues results in a dismissals. The lots of the dismissals are not fair. The unaware of the rules and regulations of the organization, didnt give much chance for the employee to tell about his own side about the issues, does not give equal chance to each employee and etc. are lead to dismissals in so many cases. 4.3 Explain the role of ACAS, Employment Tribunals and other external agencies that could be involved in grievance, discipline and dismissal processes The ACAS is involving in grievance, discipline and dismissal processes. In the ACAS code of practice the disciplinary procedure must be in written statement, provides the actions to be taken place and resolving, ACAS tells the responsible authority to take actions about the discipline, explain the employees about the basic rules and regulations of the organization, explain the organization to, the employees must not be dismissed to the first breach of discipline and given rights to the employee to explain the situations and ides about the discipline.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Enduring Love Extract :: essays research papers

In an extract from Ian McEwan’s ‘Enduring Love’ the main character, Joe, faces many conflicts emotionally. In Joe’s mind, his emotions and rational thought pull him in two different directions when all he seeks is a common answer. In order to portray Joe’s emotional distress, ‘Enduring Love’ is told through first person narration. Joe searches for logical explanations but the more he looks, the further the truth seems to be. The day after John Logan’s death, Joe’s conscious makes the whole event ‘illumined and animated’ in his mind. He begins to relive the nightmare, trying to find the right answers. His guilty conscious accuses him of ‘kill[ing] (John Logan)’. Joe cannot deal with his new-found responsibility and tries to find what he believes to be the ‘truth’. On one hand, he wants the truth to be that he was not an accomplice in a man’s death yet on the other hand he wants to know what actually happened and who was the cause of it. However, the truth is, he will never know. He is left with questions and he who believes entirely in science, math and the nature of knowing, can’t comprehend this fact. Joe analyzes the situation using his mathematical and scientific knowledge. He believes that ‘eight hundred pounds would have kept [them] close to the ground’ and therefore, the ‘first person’ to let go is at fault. He is looking for someone to blame and so places all the responsibility on this one soul. Yet he does not want to be this person, when he knows he very well could be. The thought of this being possible is excruciating and he obsessively tells himself that it was ‘not [him]’. He only wants the truth if the person turned out to be him. Joe tries manipulating mathematics to make ‘calculations’ regarding the balloon incident and uses his analytical mind to find answers yet he never allows his feelings to consume him. He’s always analyzing his own thoughts. He wants a selected truth not reality. Joe’s conflict is also shown through a repetition of certain words. They show his feelings transition from self- blame to searching for the culprit. While trying to ease his mind, Joe no longer uses the word ‘I’. He can’t take his own accusations and so places the blame on the group as a whole. He repetitively uses the word ‘we’ when referring to what could have been done but was not.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Arlington National Cemetery :: American History, War, The Tomb of the Unknown

One of the most sacred places in America is the Arlington National Cemetery. Each year heroes are laid to rest here. Families from across the nation visit Arlington throughout the year to pay respect to their love ones. Many American hero families who visit the Arlington Cemetery may have been mourning at the wrong grave. Arlington was once the home of George Washington’s adopted grandson, George Washington Parke Custis (â€Å"Arlington† 4). Custis adored Washington so much that he wanted to make the house a memorial to him. Upon Custis’ death, Arlington was left to his daughter, Mary Ann Custis. Mary Ann was married to Robert E. Lee. They lived in the house until the Civil War began. During the war, the house was used as a Union army camp (Stein 7-10). The Union government declared Arlington a national cemetery on June 15, 1864 (Reef 27). In order to be buried at Arlington, a person has to qualify for burial. Ones who have died on active duty and those who served for twenty or more years are permitted to be buried at Arlington. Others who qualify for burial at Arlington are veterans who suffered 30% or more disability and were honorably discharged from the military before October 1, 1949. Recipients of decorations such as The Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, or the Purple Heart also qualify for burial at Arlington. Burial for members of the president’s cabinet, other nationally elected officials, and Supreme Court Justices who served honorably in the military are also allowed. Burial is permitted for Presidents of the United States, who are also referred to as the Commander and Chief of the military (Reef 64). Not only are military heroes buried at Arlington, but memorials have also been built to honor others who have given their lives for America. The memorials that are located throughout Arlington tell a story about people throughout American history (Reef 43). Each year families walk the endless rows of white head stones at Arlington in order to pay their respects to the ones that have given their lives for America. One of the most visited graves at Arlington is that of President John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy traveled the world to promote friendship between the United States and other nations. Americans were shocked when he was shot and killed in Dallas, TX in 1963. His grave is marked with an eternal flame that will burn forever, reminding people of his accomplishments (Reef 44-46).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Drugs: A Major Problem In Canadian Society :: essays research papers fc

Drugs: A Major Problem In Canadian Society A major problem that exists within Canadian society is the abuse of mind- altering substances. Such narcotics cause not only health problems, but also violent and potentially criminal acts. A mind-altering narcotic can be defined as both the legal and illegal type. The four main categories of drugs are: narcotics, CNS depressants, CNS stimulants, and hallucinogens. Most of these drugs are highly addictive and are usually obtained by prescription or are considered a banned substance and must be purchased illegally. Users of many of the "harder" drugs being abused today also face the possibility of an eventual overdose. An overdose is the ingestion of a lethal or mind- damaging amount of drugs. Once an full addiction of these drugs occur, the user faces withdrawal symptoms when a discontinuation of a drug transpires. This is due to a reduction of the natural pain-killers that exist in the body of non- drug users. These symptoms include chills, sweating, cramps, headaches, diarrhea and excessive vomiting. The treatment of drug addicts includes an extensive program of detoxification. Medical drugs, such as Naloxone, are sometimes given to patients to aid in overcoming these addictions. These drugs occupy opiate receptors in the brain to block all effects of the damaging drugs, however the Naloxone is not an addictive drug, as the others are. The downfall to the medical drugs being used to help addiction are that there effects are very short-term and cannot cure the patient, but does assist in attaining the goal of substituting a more controllable, less lethal drug as opposed to the original narcotic . The key to preventing substance abuse in Canada is to educate the public, preferably at a young age, never to experiment with potentially life-threating drugs. This education can be attained within the pre-secondary schools. In 1988 prime minister Brian Mulroney announced proposed Canada's Drug Strategy. Laws were enacted, which prohibited the sale of drug paraphernalia and increased the power of police to seize the assets of arrested drug offenders. The Strategy allocated the sum of $210 million in its first five years (and an additional $270 million in 1992) mainly to the prevention, education and treatment of drug use, while 30 per cent of this money was intended for the traditional area of law enforcement. The goal of education within the school system should be to support those students who are non-users with recognition and social activities that will encourage them to remain non-users and to facilitate a belief and value system that incorporates concern for fellow students and residents of the community. Drug education should emphasise the negative aspects of drugs to give the

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monopoly Questions and Answers

QUESTIONS RELATED TO MONOPOLY: 1-What is the characteristic of the monopoly? 1 – The existence of a single product of the commodity 2 – characterized by prices, rising prices prevailing 3 – the relative stability of prices 4 – There are barriers to enter the industry monopolist 5 – not necessary to advertise Another Monopoly properties. Price control. In a monopoly, and at the expense of supply in the market one entity to control and demand, and the degree of the price offered and the control exercised by the institution or individual is greater. Predatory pricing. This feature of the advantages of a monopoly consumers.These are short term market gains when prices dropped to meet the demand of rare product. Suppliers and consumers directly benefit from an attempt to monopolize the company to increase the sale of business marketing. Price flexibility With regard to the demand for the product or service offered by the company monopoly or individual, a nd is dictated by the price elasticity of the ratio of the absolute value of the increase in prices and demand in the market. Lack of creativity At the expense of absolute control of the market, and monopolies display a tendency to lose efficiency over a period of time.With one product lifetime, and innovative design and marketing techniques rear seat. Lack of competition. When the market was designed to serve the monopoly and the lack of commercial competition or the lack of goods and viable products shrinking the scope of â€Å"perfect competition. † 2-How monopoly arises Monopoly arises in a variety of circumstances: there are types of goods and a service does not accept by its nature, or not in the public interest to multiple producers, it's called natural monopolies, for example: to provide the city with water, electricity, or the trains running between two countries.Often assume the state or municipal authorities to manage these services, or to grant a concession to a p rivate company, subject to strict control. Monopoly may arise in an industry, the growth of a project, and it seized on other projects. Or as a result of grab or merge of small projects in the large-scale project, Monopoly May arise due to agreement between the projects owners in a particular industry to determine the price, or divide markets among themselves, known as (cartel), and in this case there are a number of producers, such agreement among them makes them a monopoly power.Most of the countries have been working on the subject of monopolies control. 3-How we can regulate the monopoly Pricing at marginal cost Economists have for many decades argued the benefits of setting public utility tariffs on the basis of marginal cost. This view is expressed in many classic economic texts on regulation. Price discrimination One common objection to marginal-cost pricing is that, in the presence of economies of scale, a simple linear price equal to marginal cost would not llow the regulat ed firm to recover sufficient revenue to cover its total costs. Ramsey pricing In those cases where the regulator is unable to set the marginal price for each service equal to its marginal cost, economic theory still places central emphasis on reducing the deadweight loss. Incremental cost The deadweight-loss hypothesis has a hard time explaining why regulators fail to pursue policies which are efficient under the conventional economic theory, such as Ramsey pricing. Price / service stabilityAnother puzzle for the conventional economic approach to regulation is the heavy emphasis on price stability. There is a sizeable amount of evidence that price and service stability is one of the primary concerns of regulators. Alternative regulation †¢ To encourage the productive efficiency of the monopolist. †¢ To eliminate the incentive to waste resources seeking to obtain a position of monopoly. †¢ To protect the sunk investment of the monopolist 4-Give some examples of monopo ly type of monopolyThe main characteristicexamplesNaturalAccess to rare and not easily reproducible elements of productionMonopolies operating in the sphere of production is mineral deposits of strategic importance for the national economy technologicalFeature production: in this technology is not enough consumer demand to support many competitive firmsEnterprise for the production of specific goods, such as infrastructure for the operation of natural monopolies GeographicCompetition due to the non-rationality of the territorial limited due to the effect of geographic barriersPublic ransport companies infrastructureInfrastructure network – a network that supply products between distant from each other (both in space and in time), economic agentsBackbone enterprises in energy, rail transport , heat, gas and water supply patentUsing a unique patented technologyNatural monopolies are producing high-tech products, such as medicine StateMarkets related to the exclusive jurisdictio n of the stateDefense, aeronautics administrative commandOperating in a command systemNatural monopolies in the administrative-command system

Marginalization Effect Essay

Social exclusion (also referred to as marginalisation (British/International), or marginalization (U.S.)) is a concept used in many parts of the world to characterise contemporary forms of social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society. It is a term used widely in the United Kingdom and Europe, and was first utilized in France.[1] It is used across disciplines including education, sociology, psychology, politics and economics. Social exclusion refers to processes in which individuals or entire communities of people are systematically blocked from rights, opportunities and resources (e.g. housing, employment, healthcare, civic engagement, democratic participation and due process) that are normally available to members of society and which are key to social integration.[2] The resulting alienation or disenfranchisement is often connected to a person’s social class, educational status, relationships in childhood[3] and living standards. It also applies to some degree to people with a disability, minorities, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities (e.g., the LGBT community), to the elderly, and to youth. Anyone who deviates in any perceived way from the norm of a population may become subject to coarse or subtle forms of social exclusion. The outcome of social exclusion is that affected individuals or communities are prevented from participating fully in the economic, social, and political life of the society in which they live.[4] Material deprivation is the most common result of this exclusion. Ensuing poverty, emotional and psychological trauma, and its resulting diseases may result in catastrophic damage to lives, health, and psyche. Most of the characteristics listed in this article are present together in studies of social exclusion, due to exclusion’s multidimensionality.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Misleading Ads Essay

To establish that an advertisement is false, a plaintiff must prove five things: (1) a false statement of fact has been made about the advertiser’s own or another person’s goods, services, or commercial activity; (2) the statement either deceives or has the potential to deceive a substantial portion of its targeted audience; (3) the deception is also likely to affect the purchasing decisions of its audience; (4) the advertising involves goods or services in interstate commerce; and (5) the deception has either resulted in or is likely to result in injury to the plaintiff. The most heavily weighed factor is the advertisement’s potential to injure a customer. The injury is usually attributed to money the consumer lost through a purchase that would not have been made had the advertisement not been misleading. False statements can be defined in two ways: those that are false on their face and those that are implicitly false. deception (bedrog) deceptive (bedrieglijk) Effects of the 2003 advertising/promotion ban in the United Kingdom on awareness of tobacco marketing: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey Lanham act cases critics aimed at drug industry for misleading ads FDA overview: misleading claims in ads misleading drug ads (ethics in pharmaceutical advertising) a limit to the advertising misinformation effect on memory the cognitive processing of misleading advertisements in young and old adults

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Internal and External Factors affect the four functions of management Essay

Internal and External Factors Affecting the Four Functions of Management In relation to the four functions of management, there are several internal and external factors that affect an organization’s success. Using DaVita, Inc. as an example, we can look at each internal factor that would affect the function of management and the external factors. Internal factors would include ethics, innovation and diversity while external factors would include globalization and technology. When we look at why DaVita would consider globalization, we would need to consider the external factors that created this need. In general, when a company looks outside of the country for support it is watching what the competitors are doing. DaVita has found an area where they can run their clinics much more economical. The cost for labor is less which is their highest cost of operation. They also need to consider they have tapped most of the resources available in the United States for growth. They need new areas to continue to grow and dialysis is a global disease. They saw an opportunity with providing high quality dialysis in the less fortunate areas in the world that do not provide that currently (Travis, 2012). DaVita sat down and began the plan of expanding for this purpose. After they specified the goal and thought of the appropriate actions to get there, the next step was to organize. They needed to find a way for everyone to work together to make this a successful transition. The executives began the campaign to lead the group to their vision by helping everyone see what they saw. Only if everyone was on the same page, would this be successful. The support of the public is necessary in order to get through any scrutiny this may cause. After they were able to implement their idea, it was time to control the plan and determine if it was successful or not. The clinical model that DaVita provides to these other countries make this more affordable to the general population and is proven to be able to serve from the current 6% of kidney failure patients to  20-30% (Peerzada, 2012). This would be a significant success for DaVita to accomplish their plan of providing this service to areas that cannot provide this service. In reference to diversity, DaVita is a company that operates in eleven countries in addition to the United States. They deal with diversity on a daily basis. As individuals in the company start to plan their next goal, evaluating who uses thei r service is key. The ideas need to be innovative but also needed by the customer. The target audience is people with kidney failure, but from any nationality. This is key when deciding how customers will pay for the service as well as how to market to them. When management is organizing their plans they must consider where they will get the resources to accomplish this. Moving forward will be challenging when dealing with such a diverse group. Language barriers, culture, cultural norms and resource availability to name a few of the things that need to be considered. When DaVita moves forward with the idea, having effective diverse leaders will prove most valuable. Leaders must posess the ability to communicate with a variety of people. Placing people in various locations is key, and having employees trained in diversity, cultural norms and each countries policy’s. When doing business around the globe, leaders need the ability to motivate someone from China as well as India without violating their beliefs or values. Also leaders need to find a common ground with their staff as well as lead the staff to working as a team. Monitoring such a diverse group will be challenging but also rewarding. The goals set at the beginning of the project will need to be realistic as well as based on each countries health care options. As change needs to happen, they must recognize this and have the right person in place to make those changes will be key. Having a diverse group can bring various insight to a team. An organization must be able to embrace this insight and experience to allow the company to prosper. Using technology effectively can improve and at the same time be inconvenient in the work place. Stress level can rise in employees when the innovation of technology is introduced. Dedicated employees must learn new abilities. They are usually forced to gain skills involving their judgment, when and how to best use technology. Some can see technology as a positive improvement, others can over due the use and become workaholics since there is flexibility that applies and they can even work from home. Advanced and efficient service is a cause of stress in some  employees. The internet has become an impact not just for business but also by individuals. DaVita has made many dedicated changes in their technology some affecting their job performance. Some of their equipment has been changed for better usage and process improvement. As an organization, they focus on the studies and protocol that provide resource of disease and cancer indicators. Chief Executive Officer, Jim Joyce, was selective when the pioneer development of the use of therapeutic filtration devices addressed infectious diseases, cancer and other life-threating conditions. They presented research o nce they were cleared by the FDA of their device. This company was presented the opportunity to change their equipment for better usage and productivity. Referring to innovation, Davita finds consistent dedication to differentiate itself from other kidney companies. With hard work from each employee they use innovative skills and teamwork. The interesting message that I learned from reading DaVita’s website is the word DaVita is italian for â€Å"giving life â€Å". It is a company that specifically treats for kidney health. Regardless of the size, all organizations use and develop ways to manage with tact, strategy and decision-making. They use the four functions of management such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Of the many health care companies that are part of the fortune 500, DaVita is one healthcare provider that brings variety. It provides variety of health care service to patient populations through the United States and abroad. Striving to improve patient’s quality of life and innovative clinical care they were able to offer integrity in treatment plans. This company serves 73 outpatient dialysis centers located in 10 countries outside the United States. They actually focus on programs that are dedicated to bring positive changing communities around the world. DaVita is inv olved in leadership programs that help develop innovation as a part of their social responsibilities. With teams and strong leaders, the company works on basic techniques to reach to those all around the world. DaVita has employees all around the nation. An example of ethics that the company has implemented is to create their own management concept. Davita educates patients with information of their core values. They take privacy serious and comply with policy that protects patient equality. Goals, objectives and tactics are part of their focus on engaging service excellence. This helps eliminate not meeting  expectations that arise by their doctor, team members and patients. They collaborate with integrity and believe in what they say. As I gather from their website on their mission and values section they use phrases like â€Å"one for all, and all for one!†. Together they share purpose and common goals. There is always room for improvement with commitment. They set aside goals that influence their team. When planning for requirement and values they come together as one te am working towards one goal. In conclusion, organizations use function of management to successfully accomplish the goals and objectives. Working in different areas, the four functions are used in globalization, innovation, diversity, technology and the ethics of a company. DaVita dialysis focuses on the health of the kidney and find a method to comply with these functions. They have goals that encourage all employees to determine the best functions for positive success. References Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2011). Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World (9th ed.). Phoenix, AZ: Author. DaVita, Inc. (2014). Retrieved from Peerzada, A. (2012, January 12). US-based DaVita picks up stake in NephroLife Care for India entry. Retrieved from Travis, T. (2012, October 2). Time To Follow Berkshire Into DaVita. Retrieved from

Friday, September 13, 2019

John Steinbeck Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John Steinbeck - Research Paper Example The lower part of the Salinas valley was a shipping center. The demographic and the geographic location characteristics of John Steinbeck’s hometown were great factors that influenced a majority of his novels and indicated his characters had a strong identification with the land. Steinbeck even wrote to George Albee in 1933 telling him that he wanted to write the story of the entire valley, all the small towns and farms and all the ranches located in the wilder hills. Steinbeck had a comfortable childhood period in Salinas, though as a teenager his family faced numerous setbacks. His adorable father who had been working as a manager in Sperry Flour lost his job. He worked out his second option of opening a grain and feeds store, but unfortunately it failed too. Eventually, he was in a position to secure a job in Monterey County as the treasurer. Steinbeck loved his pony, which he named Jill, and this inspired him to write his later novel entitled â€Å"The Red Pony†. His writing career was greatly affected by his childhood even ts. On his ninth birthday, someone gave him a copy of Thomas Malory’s work, and he admits that when he first read it, he was charmed of words because the old fashioned words delighted him (Steinbeck 97). He keenly read the stories of King Arthur, and together with his sister, they would visualize the towers of Camelot amidst the sandstone erosions alongside the Pastures of Heaven where his aunt resided. Twenty years down the line, he adopted Arthurian tropes besides chapter headings of his novel Tortilla Flat. Steinbeck in his career would travel to England to prepare how the Arthurian tales would be updated for modernity. His mission wasn’t complete until his demise but his Noble Knights and Acts of King Arthur were later published posthumously. As a teenager, John Steinbeck displayed a robust interest in writing and in his high school days, he would work until the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The quick and easy way to effective speaking Essay

The quick and easy way to effective speaking - Essay Example In other words, this means that the public speaker should try and acquaint him/herself with what causes fear when it comes to public speaking. It is vital for people to prepare themselves in a proper manner by assembling and arranging their ideas earlier (Carnegie 34). They could then rehearse the talk/speech with their friends just to have a feel of what they could expect. Carnegie advises people not to memorize their speech word by word, because this, most of the times, leads to confusing when delivering the actual speech. It is also vital to predetermine your mind to success by not thinking about the negatives, but only the positives. Also, Carnegie thinks that it is important to act confidence even if one is not actually confident (Carnegie 41). In addition, in order to be an effective public speaker, people should be eager to share their speech, talk or idea with their listeners. They should ensure that they are pleased with their subject of choice before sharing it with others. Also, another factor is that a public speaker should talk about something they have earned the right to speak about through study or experience (Carnegie 55). Such subjects include their life’s story and what life has taught them. This will go a long what they establish the truthfulness of the information being passed. So of the ways I intend to apply the above stated rules to overcome and enhance my own public speaking include learning the history of other prominent public speakers, studying the goals of public speaking and also determining my own success. For instance, I will look choose a speaker who is rated highly by the public and study how they developed into prominent public speakers. I will look at what they talk about and how they talk to their listeners. I will look at how they behave in an unexpected situation and many more. Also, I will look at someone who is close to me and knows how to speak to a multitude of people. I can

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How much did the Nazis Owe to the Worldwide Eugenics Movements Essay - 1

How much did the Nazis Owe to the Worldwide Eugenics Movements - Essay Example It is believed that eugenics, as the science of racial hygiene, arose in the Third Reich and that only in Nazi Germany eugenic researchers were held. But this is a completely erroneous view. In the twentieth century, two countries were the leaders in eugenic research - the United States and the Soviet Union. Germany is connected by no means with the flowering of these studies, but rather with its complete discredit. To prove that there is a close connection between eugenic theories and crimes against humanity committed by third Reich, we need to consider both these phenomena and study them in their historical progress. It is believed that Eugenics, as the science of racial hygiene, arose in the Third Reich and that only in Nazi Germany eugenic researchers were held. But this is a completely erroneous view. In the twentieth century, two countries were the leaders in eugenic research - the United States and the Soviet Union. Germany is connected by no means with the flowering of these studies, but rather with its complete discredit. To prove that there is a similarity between eugenic theories and crimes against humanity committed by third Reich, we need to consider both these phenomena. Eugenic science expresses the deepest hopes of humans about rational control of their own nature, and, at the same time, explicitly embodies the experience of not just small mistakes and errors, but sometimes even crimes against humanity. Therefore, developing modern genetic technology, scientists are constantly coming back to the history of eugenics, which is a kind of understanding of the latest ethical issues background.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Islamic Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Islamic Finance - Case Study Example Hence, the present state of this Islamic finance is trying to upgrade and cope up with the economic, banking and finance crisis with trend and advance in technology and it seems it will still be involving from generations to generations. The view of charging interest on Islamic finance regarding riba is that their basic idea is they like money contribute to this Islamic finance used to develop mosques’ rather than other projects (Swartz, 2011). In accordance to Sharia Islamic religious law riba is considered manipulative and unlawful (Swartz, 2011). In addition, interest from the contributed money is often criticized because perspective view of these whole issues states that it is an effortless profit where the borrower is expected to pay as a form of compensation to the lender. Even in cases like where creditor has right of possession of debtor’s property if he or she is unable to settle the debt. Therefore, riba is an economic issue concerning the Muslims. In the fact, it is unlawful and discouraged in one way or another since the inception of this Islamic finance and still Islam is still withstanding this beliefs. Hence, the major concern in analysis to this monetary transaction is to evade riba des pite the reality that it is the foundation to growth in economics, banking and finance (Hart, Childs & Boyle, 2013). For Islamic finance to grow and develop a strong basis, banks have introduced use of tawarruq and inah to aid in improving Islamic economic, banking and finance with the intention of replacing the old concepts, which are prohibited in Islam. However, this has ignited controversy and criticism for many believe that the dealings are not Sharia compliant citing their argument that there is no main economic activity involved about Sharia law. Therefore, application of tawarruq and Inah banking system in Islamic finance is invalid and in effective. This is because this monetary institution will face an extensive

Monday, September 9, 2019

Communication in the Internet Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Communication in the Internet Age - Essay Example In Third World countries, Internet is often a status symbol, perhaps because not everyone can afford owning an Internet. Communication via Internet can be categorized as healthy or unhealthy communication depending on the purpose of communication process. Accessibility to any point of destination is always possible in the Internet. Also a speedy communication process is viable through electronic mails and chatting. There is no restraint as to the accessibility of an Internet user. Electronic mails can however be sometimes restrained by the user as it is his prerogative to choose any of the variants available and any of the diversified people shall he be sending a private message. It is through electronic emails where productive written communication can be possibly achieved. Similar to electronic mail is blogging. Blogging is more prevalent than that of a chatting. Through blogging, communication can be enhancing when different mind interactions are striking through inside the blog r oom, similar with discussion in face-to-face communication. Through blogs, every statement is articulately adorned to show off the emotion and reaction of different bloggers. It is also nurturing their skill in writing. Actually, blogging is another way of improving write-ups and writing methods wherein another writer can give you pieces of advise to reshape your sentence, your every word and especially the grammars being used. Learning can also be visible in this point through healthy discussions. The cultural diversity of every blogger can attribute to the expanse of knowledge one have.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Should the companies proclaim policy for protect the worker's family Essay

Should the companies proclaim policy for protect the worker's family and what's the effect - Essay Example Failing to protect the worker and the worker’s family could be very disadvantageous to the company in terms of image and brand because the general public will be appalled with a company’s labor practice that disregard the welfare and protection of its employees and its immediate dependents. When the general public will perceive the company as uncaring, they will be turned off with the company and will cease patronizing its products. When customers no longer patronize or buy a company’s product or service, its sales will decline and it follows that when sales decline, the profitability of the company will also decline and it will not be long before the company will go bankrupt. In addition to customers who would be put off with a company that does not proclaim the protection of its employee and their families, investors and the general public will begin to have a negative perception of its shares of stock and it will follow that its stock price will decline due to the negative perception of the market. When that happens, returns to the shareholders will also decline. When the returns of the shareholders investment will decline, they will withdraw their money from the company and will look for other companies to invest it in where it could be more profitable. Thus, the evil cycle will begin with shareholders leaving the company aggravating the already negative perception on the company. In the end, the company may even go bankrupt just because of the market’s negative perception of the company with its uncaring labor practice with its employees and their families. The refusal or failure of the company to protect the worker and their families come in many ways. For the worker’s family’s refusal or inability to protect them by the company, this could come in the form of non recognition of health insurance coverage and in today’s case refusal to implement Obamacare. In effect, this law mandates that companies are all required to protect all their workers and their families from rising medical cost despite their medical condition. Failure to cover its employees would tantamount to paying fines which the law will impose on the company. This is important to mention because this is the new context that businesses will be operating in terms of providing health insurance to their employees and their employees. It meant that companies will have to cover all of its employees including those who were previously uninsurable and those who have pre-exisitng conditions and that includes their families. This may mean an added cost in terms of paying premiums as employees who were not uninsurable has to be insured now that companies may be tempted to renege it to save on cost. The consequence proved to be more expensive because companies who refused to provide medical insurance protection to their employees and their families were fined heavily such as the case of big companies such as AT&T and Caterpillar who decided to stop providing health coverage for their employers because of its additional cost. As a result, it was slapped with penalty and mandated to pay heavy fines that were very costly (Colvin 125). Big companies are considering this option because the forced coverage of the new law on health insurance on all of its employees including those who were previously uninsurable would mean huge addition of cost due to the scale of its employees. Such, they deemed it more

Saturday, September 7, 2019

BEHAVIOURAL FINANCE Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

BEHAVIOURAL FINANCE - Literature review Example Thus, there is a need for a new economic paradigm that can enhance the economic condition of all countries. The literature lays stress upon different views of the scholars and researchers related to the current topic. It is observed that few of these scholars are in favour of the idea, whereas others have directly opposed the same. Presently, there is a great need for change as individuals perceive that economic, social and environmental shifts are necessary. The global population is increasing at an alarming rate accompanied by an extraordinary improvement in life expectancy worldwide. Innovations made in the technological industry have enabled the people to learn and communicate essential information on a global level. The inequality between poor and rich countries has continued to grow with the passage of time. The demand for natural resources has increased and climate changes are more frequent than ever. The main issue related to the world economy is the most severe one. Apart from the abovementioned difficulties, the economic paradigm is also questioned as the world economy is heading towards a decline (Reza, 1999). The economic condition worsened as the blame game persisted so as to identify the one responsible for the economic downturn and recession. Primarily, the blame was put on the financial managers who had failed to identify and manage risk appropriately and even the regulators did not stop them from undertaking any fraudulent activity. The economic strategy devised for promoting growth was inadequate. Businesses and governments had stated the need for a new economic paradigm, which can facilitate sustenance of the environment. New Economics Movement had rapidly grown over the past few years. New Economics Foundation and The Other Economic Summit formed a part of the movement. It had clearly identified that the present economic model is

Friday, September 6, 2019

Putting Up a Restaurant Essay Example for Free

Putting Up a Restaurant Essay The business will be located along national road at Mabini Home Site Cabanatuan City where as all the necessary amenities are easy to access like water from NAWASA, Electricity from CELCOR and the location has a good drainage system whereas , flooding is not a problem. 3. Brief Description of the project The project is about putting up a Golden bakeshop. The proponent of this study was able to identify the needs for a good quality of products particularly the needs of bakeshop with bar. The site where the propose project will be strategically located and is accessible to all target customers and it is situated at Barangay Mabini Home Site. The proposed business is accessible to all types of transportation and approximately 50 meters from Residents, Cabanatuan City 300 meters from Wesleyan University Philippines. The nearest indirect competitors are 1 km away from the place of proposed project. Consequently averages of 1,500 customers are expected to be the clients per month, this will include teachers and students from the school . The business will give him/her an average of 26% net income annually. Initial capital requirement is estimated at P 990,086.00. It will be managed by the owner he/she will perform as manager and cashier. She/he will be assisted by 4 staff, and one baker Since the researchers focus on developing and extending services to people who loves to dine and assist them this business is perfect for them to established golden bakeshop and the business establishment will bear the trade name â€Å"Golden Bakeshop† 4. Project Summary 1. Market Feasibility This proposed project would be established to provide the needs of the people for good quality pastry services. The owner sees Barangay Mabini HomeSite, Cabanatuan City as a good site to put up a bakeshop because its accessibility to target customers. This project would be profitable because the bakeshop will be located at a place where there are lots of target customers. residents will favor in this kind of business,. The Golden Bakeshop is perfect for the students and residents who love pastries The proposed business supplies will be getting from Cabanatuan City Public market and Sangitan Market whereas it is known to offer raw materials and foods that are fresh and its low prices 2. Technical Feasibility Bakeshop will be established to provide the quality bakeshop needs of the people of Cabanatuan. The proposed business would be equipped with the needed structures and facilities to provide a better place for the convenience of the target customers. It is expected that with plan problems being encountered by consumers like low quality of bakeshop services will be solved. 3. Management Feasibility Partnership is a kind of organization the business will adopt. By this kind of organization, it is easy for the owner to control the business. Employees shall be receive enough and decent salaries. During holidays, each employee shall be granted a double pay work. Employees shall work in a 6 days basis so that they will enjoy one day of their day off. Likewise employees shall be received a Christmas bonus. The type of business organization will be a line type organization. The policies of the organizational indicated based on the salary given to the employee, the benefits they will received, there working hours and the hours of break for regular meal and the proper uniform during work. 4. Financial Feasibility Source of fund will come from the owner of the business. He or she will provide the total amount of fund needed to start the business. The total project cost is estimated P 990,086.00 who will be provided by the owner the amount include the pre-operating expenses working capital requirement and operating expenses for the said project. Based on the 5-year financial projection made by the owner ROI payback period is 3years. 5. Socio Economic Impact The proposed business will benefit the government, consumes, and the owner. The government will benefit from the taxes the business will pay, consumers will now be free to choose which a bakeshop will provide best service and finally the owner will profit through to income it will generate from the business. The proposed business will pay the taxes that may be due to the government. And provide income for those who will get employed II. Introduction/ Background of the Study 2.1 Introduction The proposed business on this study is too engaged on the operations of the restaurant with bar. The business is to intent to elevate the quality of the food services in terms of restaurants industry. The potential investor will provide the proper capital budget for the smooth operations of the business and the continuous operations. The investor chooses the location of Mabini Home Site Cabanatuan City on the grounds that the area was accessible in all kinds of vehicles and it is easy to transport or rather there lots of commuters with in the area of the projects. In reality the propose business is not new on the market impact the food services industry can considered as among the major or rather one of the leading industry in the economy. The dictate of the environments such as ready to eat on the grounds most of the people were lack on the preparations of their food because of the everyday work and lack of time to spend on that matters. Aside from the above reason the different occasion and other business meeting can easy to manage in one place were fo od were available and some recreations for the smooth closings of the transactions. On these common reasons the needs and the demand on this business have an opportunity on the market. As the students of the Hotel and Restaurants Managements the present study serve as an information and additional knowledge for the improvements and progress of the professions that become useful not only as an academic purposes but most of all as the guidance or rather information for the future performance for better and rendering quality business in the connections of the chosen professions. B.Objectives The central problem of this study is the evaluation of the viability of establishing Golden Bakeshop , a bakeshop in Mabini Homesite in Cabanatuan City. B.Objectives General: The main objective of this study is to determine the viability and feasibility of the proposed venture. Specifically, objectives from the point of view of the four functional areas of management are as follows. 1. Marketing: a. To identify the demand and supply in establishing Bakeshop in order to determine the market share. b. To obtain sufficient understanding of Bakeshop industry in order to strategically position the company in the market. c. To get hold of an understanding about the target clients in order to efficiently and satisfactorily satisfy their needs of, wants and expectations on bakeshop Business. 2. Technical/Production: a. To determine and expound the optimum processing method appropriate to the magnitude of the market. b. To know the technical requirements in the establishment of bakeshop Business c. To obtain sufficient knowledge of regulations and standards governing bakeshop Business. 3. Organizational and Management: a. To design organizational set-up that is best suited for the proposed project. b. To determine the number and qualifications of people required to manage the project effectively. 4. Financial: a. To make an estimate of the amount of initial investment required to execute the project. b. To present projected financial statements of the proposed venture for the next five years. c. To asses the profitability, liquidity and stability of the proposed business enterprise. C. Significance of the Study This research work is deemed significant to the following person: This study will be valuable to those aspiring businessman who are looking for a good venture which does not require huge capital to start a business. To the readers of this research it will serve as a guide and basis to seek information about this venture. For the researchers this study served as an experience and evaluation of what they learned in four years of studying. 2.2 Operational Definitions of Terms: Bakeshop. It is a place where a pastries is made and served . Baker. He or she is expert in making pastries Food. A simple defined as any matter eaten by man to sustain safe and nourish the body. Kitchen Staff. Helps cooks, chefs to prepare foods. Menu. Lists of dishes or to be readily served Mixed drinks. Drinks or beverages mixed into other ingredients to make it one ready to drinks like tequila sunrise, where the ingredients are vodka juice, tanduay rhum. Restaurant. Is a place where refreshments or foods are ready to serve, a public room for people who wants ready to meals. Sale. Exchange of property or services for a determined amount of money of its equivalent, the act of selling. Waiter/waitress. The one who take the customers order. Serve foods and e drinks, and prepared itemize checks. They also often accept payments; they must be quick and efficient but must be also patient with customers.

The Song of Roland Essay Example for Free

The Song of Roland Essay Count Roland was the epitome of everything a Carolingian knight should be. He was virtuous in every possible way. Bravery, piety, modesty, strength, and ability are all adjectives that aptly describe Sir Roland. In the work The Song of Roland a portrayal of 8th Century warfare and practices are given to the reader. We see a world were values such as loyalty, friendship, and piety co-exist with values such as ferocity in combat, eagerness to kill infidels, and lionizing of the sacking of cities and looting of the dead. What could bring about such opposing values into one moral code? Perhaps the system of values existing in 8th Century Frankish society is a combination of moral systems. Frankish knights of the Carolingian Era adhered to a strict moral code that drew many values from Christian doctrine, but also drew heavily from the moral system of a warlike barbarian people; such as the early Frankish tribes as portrayed in History of the Franks by Gregory the Bishop of Tours. During the time of Clovis I Christianity was just beginning as the state religion of the Franks. In Gregorys depiction of the Frankish people following the death of Clovis I, he shows a society were murder, incest and the killing of ones own son is perfectly acceptable. Treachery and ambush are expunged as virtues befitting a great ruler. The only mentions of Christianity in the text seem to be purposely placed there by Gregory. While the Franks claim to be Christian at this time they clearly do not understand the moral code that goes along with their Christian faith. Understanding of that Christian faith comes at a later time. Loyalty in particular seems to be a central virtue of Carolingian knights. Roland says once, It is fitting we should stay here for our king; a man should suffer hardships for his lord, and persevere in heat and cold; a man should lose if need be, hide and hair (Roland 83). This attitude of sacrifice for your lord, and loyalty unto death is very different from the attitude of the early Franks. In Gregorys account Frankish warriors care more for booty than loyalty. Theodoric knew that the men of Clermont-Ferrand were ready to betray him. Follow me, said he to his people, and I will lead you to a land where you will be able to lay your hands on so much gold and silver than even your desire for loot will be satisfied (Gregory 6). Roland and his twelve companions were ready to die for the honor of their king, while the men of Clermont-Ferrand fought only for the promise of booty. This ideal of loyalty and faithfulness can only have come from the influence of the Catholic Church. Piety is clearly very important to the Carolingian knight. Before their deaths many of the twelve companions seek penance and absolution so that they may enter Heaven. Roland begs Gods mercy as he dies saying, True Father, who hath never told a lie, Who resurrected Lazarus from the dead, and Who protected Daniel from the lions, protect the soul in me from every peril brought on by wrongs Ive done throughout my life! (Roland 124). This statement shows Rolands understanding of Christian doctrine. He comprehends the need for absolution in order to attain paradise, and he clearly has a thorough understanding and knowledge of scripture, as he quotes from the Bible in numerous places. During and following the time of Clovis I the Franks understanding of piety was simple. If you were pious, you won battles, if you werent, you lost. Gregory said in regard to successes, they have come to Christians who confess the blessed Trinity and ruin has come to heretics who have tried the same. (Gregory 1) So on the battlefield is were you proved your piousness, not in your life or during prayer. This is clearly a gross misunderstanding of Christian doctrine by the early Franks. Ferocity in combat is perhaps one of the most important characteristics of a Frankish knight. It co-exists with loyalty, friendship and piety, all Christian virtues. Roland who is the epitome of the Carolingian knight is the fiercest warrior of them all. His ability is thus described, the baron goes ands strikes with all his force upon the jewel-studded golden casque, cuts downward through the head, the trunk and the byrnie, the well-made saddle set with gems and gold, and deep into the backbone of the horse (Roland 100). This cleaving of a man in two is not deemed tragic or saddening as one would expect from a Christian society, instead it is raised up as an example of a good Christian activity. Killing infidels is never sinful. Indeed even the Archbishop himself engages in such activity, But Turpin strikes He spits his body (the Spaniards) through from side to side and throws him dead upon an open spot. (Roland 98) Even though many Christian ideals have sunk into Frankish society, the warlike nature of the Franks still endures during the Carolingian age. Sacking towns and acquiring plunder are not the chief motivation for warfare, as they were during early Frankish history, but these activities are still very central to warfare in the Carolingian age. Following the retreat of the Spanish Charles knights loot the bodies of the dead enemy knights even before pursuing the retreating enemy (Roland 126). Many mentions are made of the numerous towns that Roland had sacked prior to this story. The fact that Roland had killed thousands of innocents and burned hundreds of homes is not used to criticize Roland, instead it is used as an example of his prowess as a warrior. This attitude toward random slaughter and plunder is clearly not inline with Christian morals. Its origins must instead be from early Frankish society. When Christianity first entered Frankish society it was merely a new version of paganism for the Franks who practiced it. They viewed the Christian god as more powerful than other pagan deities, and so they converted to Christianity. At no point though did they embrace the moral code of Catholicism. However, later under Charlemagne the missionaries had mostly finished their work of educating the Franks. The knights portrayed in The Song of Roland clearly understand the morals of piety, honesty, loyalty and friendship. They also demonstrated a thorough knowledge of Christian doctrine and scripture. Even though the Carolingian knights were more Christian, certainly than the Franks of the 6th Century, they were still not totally inline with true Christian morals. Slaughter, plundering and mortal combat were still held in high esteem during the Carolingian era. These barbaric ideals still existed in Frankish society, despite the efforts of Christian missionaries. Clearly the moral code of the Carolingian knight was a combination of Christian values, and the value system of the early Frankish tribes.